How to make the balloon dog’s tail bubble | Balloon Help Video – BalloonPlay🎈

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Hi Everyone,
welcome to another balloon help video!
This time, its Priscilla who reached out to me and asked me a very good balloon question!
How to make the bubble at the end of the balloon dog?
This is actually a very good question, when I am doing my balloon show or balloon workshop and I do this trick of creating the bubble at the end of the balloon dog’s tail, it is surprising people and they are very curious to know how this is done.
on my Balloon App I see many of my customers struggling with this fun part of balloon twisting.

In the video I am showing to balloon techniques you can use to make this cut wiggly balloon tail.
it might look complicated, but fear not, it is simple once you get the gist of it.
I am sure that if you will practice them you will master them.

so get ready to learn another ballooning skills

And if you did not see my email regarding the Live Facebook Balloon Show I plan for next Friday then click on this link to RSVP

Good Luck and have a lovely weekend


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